Souls on Fire

The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire.

At the start of each new year I like to pick a verse, a word, a poem, on which to dwell.  I’ve been know to spend three years meditating on the same Bible verse; much can be learned and experienced.  This is it for 2014.  Stay tuned for my insights on the words of Ferdinand Foch.

I am a soul on fire.

About Lisa Jamison

Welcome! I'm Lisa, and I specialize in Integrated Somatic Therapies. I'm a Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner, Coach/Trainer, Body Worker, Yoga Therapist, Breathwork facilitator, educator, and all around great gal (not necessarily in that order!). I thrive on watching people move, both in sport/activity as well as how one maneuvers the world. Professionally I can help you do that with more grace, ease, and efficiency...AND help you determine those pesky limitations, often from adverse experiences/trauma. It's about eliminating the stresses on your body and teaching you a new way. Physically. Cognitively. Emotionally. Body, mind, and spirit.
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2 Responses to Souls on Fire

  1. Pingback: MY SOULFUL JOURNEY | Unspoken Truths

  2. Pingback: My Soulful Journey - Real Life In A Blog

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